The Principle of Enough... Pondering 1

I began several years ago writing a book called The Principal of Enough, heeding my advice to others, I decided to make it a blog.  The writings are pondering and thoughts not dogma, so I hope you consider the thoughts and share your own, mostly I hope it moves you to deeper seeking, deeper dreaming, deeper connections to The I Am, yourself and others.

The Principle of Enough is simply this..

What if we knew we were enough and that there is enough…

How would it change our relationships, our community, our country, our world…

The first pondering began after I went through my second divorce, my children and I were shattered and all that I had hoped for my life at that point was far from what I had hoped and dreamed for all of us, I had made choices that hurt all of us as well as others.  In evaluating how I had gotten here I realized my worst choices had come from a place of not thinking I was enough.. I would love to say that in the past few years I have mastered this, I have not but I can say when I am living in a place of enough (I have found that is a place of being completely present, more on this later).  I invite you to join me in this place of enough, let’s see where it takes us.

Yvette Grove