YNot… Dream, Then Take Action!

  If you have ever received an email from me you will notice in the signature my defining quote
“I dream of things that never were and ask YNot?”
  You see, as much as I am a dreamer, I am even more of a dream enabler.  Nothing excites me more than seeing what is in someone and watching them take action and blossom into their calling or mission.  As I sit surrounded by a beautiful garden in Palos Verdes, California I am reflecting on the past week where I witnessed so many take action on their mission.  I flew to San Francisco on my own important mission, to watch my oldest niece while the younger two girls went to Disney Land with my brother and sister-in-law.   I stayed long enough to enjoy all of the girls and my beloved siblings.  I love to observe the gifts that that so freely express at this age, one is an athlete, chef and political activist, the second is an artist in every sense of the word, sketching fine details of the Oscar De leRenta dresses in a matter of minutes as we walked through the exhibit.  The youngest is the walking form of delight, animal lover and very creative and regularly making us all laugh.  

These young ladies are raised by two individuals that encourage them in every way to express their gifts, to march to a different beat and exercise all of the talent and imagination they possess. They will be dreamers who  take action, I am sure.  While I was there I visited another group of incredible women at The Hivery in Mill Valley, here the place was a buzz (punn intended) with women of all ages expressing their gifts and working on their missions. Mary Gassen who is on a mission to support “main street” businesses primarily in the food service industry. Becca Piastrelli who is on a mission to give women permission to “Dabble” as an essential part of their creativity and productivity. Monika Szamko a former executive who consults leadership teams and brings women together globally to make a difference, authors, artists, coaches, former executives all working together to bring out the best in each other and help them take action on their dreams. This list goes on and on Jen Dye, Nicole Chetaud, Rachel Rissitto just to name a few… all taking action on their dreams while helping others do the same. The Hivery is quite a dream itself, founded by Grace Kraaijvanger, it is not just a work and maker space, it is a retreat!  A year ago what seemed like a crisis ended up birthing an even more beautiful vision and space.  
While traveling  this week I have read through a working platform of a long time dream of a good friend, watching it take shape as he puts it to paper and prepares to take action.  Spoke to another friend who reluctantly became the face for his company as it was birthed in the midst of pain, read a newly published article of another friend who is pursuing her mission and taking flight through her words. Sometimes making others uncomfortable, she brings to light the things we prefer to keep in the dark.  Met my  Air B&B hostess who has written a book and is out to rework congress and elect a worthy POTUS, I am witnessing a shift in a client as she slows down and takes ownership of her spirit and power and she moves towards the next level of her mission.  This brings me to Palos Verdes where I am about to have meeting to see if I can bring another woman’s dream to reality, you see she has had this idea and it sat on the shelf, she is in the midst of  beating cancer and is now taking action on the dreams she has, this is just the beginning.  What a week of inspiration and delight for me not because they dream but because they are brave enough to take action, sometimes action in the midst of illnesses, family tragedies, job loss  and financial failure. 
So you do you have gifts that need to be expressed, missions that need to be pursued or ideas that need to come to life?  YNot…Dream, then Take Action!

Dez Bonner